Wise Leadership Compass Quest in nature

The Exclusive

Retreat yourself for three days in an exclusive nature resort while being coached professionally.

This Exclusive Quest is only given individually to a few CEO’s, high performing professionals or impact leaders a year. It’s an intensive quest in which you will be challenged and stimulated to unleash your full potential. Besides the daily coachings by Aranka, you will be guided by experts that are among the best in their field like martial art legend Paul Philip Clark (known from Hollywood movies with Jackie Chan and Tom Cruise).

Do you feel tired and out of flow, desperately needing to charge your battery? Or are you at a crossroad of your (business) life longing to get some clarity? The Exclusive Quest will bring you rest and peace and at the same time give you insights and clarity on how to transform your vision into action.

Are you ready to take a deep dive?

the Exclusive quest

You stay for three nights in one of the luxurious suites at the Nature retreat Praia do Canal in the Algarve.

Investment: starting at €3750

  • 3 nights at Nature Retreat Praia do Canal in Portugal
  • 3x breakfast and 3x dinner
  • Snacks and drinks
  • 2 coach sessions per day
  • 1 Martial arts session with Paul Philip Clark, who lived in China
    for 20 years, where he worked as a kung fu actor in Hollywood movies with Jackie Chan and Tom Cruise. 
  • Use of the Spa
  • 1 online discovery session before the retreat
  • 1 check-in session after 1 month to determine next steps
  • After the quest you receive a document with the highlights of the days

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” 

George Eliot


  • Want to grow on a personal and professional level
  • Need time to clear their mind
  • Feel bored, burned out or out of flow
  • Lost their focus
  • Are looking for more meaning
  • Feel stuck
  • Want to make a transformation in their life
  • Want to reset their system


  • Create clarity on your purpose and vision
  • Align your values and your purpose with your business
  • Give you confidence in trusting your own inner voice and speaking your truth
  • Let your creative energy flow
  • More focus and meaning in your life
  • Give you knowledge and tools on how to transform your vision into action


“Aranka is great! Her coaching has helped me greatly in finding my purpose and reconnecting with my inner being. Aranka is highly skilled, full of energy and very inspiring. Highly recommend!”

– Sam van der Schot, Legal Engineer at Loyens and Loeff, Amsterdam.

“Aranka is passionately driven to make a positive change in both people’s life’s as in the world. She is a very skilled coach that I highly recommend.” 

– Ben Steenstra, CEO MindD and co-Founder of TheONE, Amsterdam.

“Aranka knows how to stimulate you to put aside all blinders, beliefs or obstacles. She helps you to bring out what you feel and know inside and to convert that into a vision and a plan.”

– Annette Gerritsen, former speed skater, tv analist and presenter, Amsterdam.