
Coaching is about helping you find answers that are already within you.  

How I coach

I have a down to earth way of coaching and I like painting outside of the box. I’m supportive, though not afraid to challenge you, always with respect and an open mind. 

Due to my thorough and diverse background and education, I have an analytical and empathic approach. I’m good at getting clear what the real issue is to focus on and to use the right coaching tools to help you find solutions. I’m loyal, trustworthy and professional with space for humor and playfulness.

It’s my purpose to guide you to become the wise person and leader you are meant to be. To reconnect with your true nature and unlock your potential in order to maximise your own performance. That’s why I’m very passionate about coaching.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

Download my FREE mini-workshop ‘Finding your Purpose’ to start discovering your purpose right now. In this e-book you’ll find valuable inspiration, knowledge, insights and exercises that help you discover your life’s purpose.

For whom are my coaching sessions designed?

CEO’s, entrepreneurs and leaders will benefit from this coaching, by growing personally and professionally.

My method of coaching

I’m a certified professional NLP coach by Robbie Steinhouse at NLP School in London and a member of the International Coach Federation. I’m also a certified NLP Master by Robert Dilts at the NLP University in Santa Cruz. In the past 20 years I followed several Neuro Semantics trainings with Michael Hall and Wassili Zafiris and did the RETaC foundation training. You can read more about the REtaC method and the groundbreaking neuro scientific research it is based on here. Besides that I like to study neuroscience and indigenous practises.

The power of nature in coaching

I believe nature can play a huge role in getting to know yourself better. In understanding how you can grow and transform into a better version of yourself. 

It’s scientifically proven that being in nature reduces fear, stress, anger and increases pleasant feelings. It helps us cope better with pain and reduces our blood pressure, muscle tension, heart rate and production of stress hormones. 

Nature has an enormously positive effect on our mood. Nature can even reduce anxious and depressive feelings and increase feelings of belonging and meaningfulness. 

We, humans, are part of nature, but it seems somewhere down the line we forgot. By nature, people want to grow; develop themselves, and are compassionate towards others. But in our hectic (digital) lives we lost connection with our nature. 

Every day we struggle with thousands of stimulants and seductions. This makes us react continuously; consume and strive for financial growth. In this constant endeavour for more, we lost our empathy. We lost our contact with nature. We lost ourselves. 

I believe by restoring our connection with nature, we restore our connection with self. Therefore I studied Biomimicry and Shamanism and I use the knowledge and wisdom from the natural world in my coachings. 

When is Coaching for you?

  • You lost connection with what it is you truly desire.
  • You feel something needs to change but you don’t know how.
  • You want to grow personally and spiritually.
  • You’re ready to perform on another level.
  • You feel stuck, anxious and tired.
  • You know what you want in life but something is holding you back.

What can you gain from Coaching?

  • Get a different perspective of life
  • You become more effective in decision making
  • Live a more meaningful life
  • Feel more aligned with yourself
  • Better understand yourself so you can personally grow and let your business grow
  • Develop deeper relationships
  • Enable you to start living your full potential


“Aranka is passionately driven to make a positive change in both people’s life’s as in the world. She is a very skilled leadership coach that I highly recommend.”

Ben Steenstra, Co-Founder of MindD and TheONE, Amsterdam.

“Aranka knows how to stimulate you to put aside all blinders, beliefs or obstacles. she helps you to bring out what you feel and know inside and to convert that into a vision and a plan.”

Annette Gerritsen, presenter and former professional skater, Amsterdam.

“I highly recommend Aranka for her diligent professionalism and dedication to clients and the work she undertakes.”

Eleni Atsikbasis, founder Healing Lesvos, Athens.

“I got to know Aranka as a very driven, positive, conscious, caring and wise human that truly cares for the world and all living beings in it. Aranka helped me to get clear on my purpose, goals and limiting believes and supported me with just the right approach in order to kick start my new passion project Malibu Sangha.”

Esther Ruurda-Drake, Founder Malibu Sangha, Malibu.

“Aranka’s knowledge, clear and transparent approach has ensured that I have a clearer picture of who I am and which path I want to take.”

Nicci Severens, founder Lotus Sailing, Amsterdam.