10 Books that expand your wisdom

I have to admit I have a huge problem with buying books. What other people have with cloth, I have with books. I simply can’t stop myself from buying them. Recently I started ordering more e-books, to save some trees, but I can’t yet get completely used to it. As there’s simply nothing like holding a book in your hands for the first time and flipping through the fresh pages…

Books serve as powerful tools

I believe that in our quest for personal growth, books serve as powerful tools that can shape your thinking, broaden your horizon, and inspire profound transformation.

That’s why I’d like to share this list of ten books that I read recently with you. From exploring the mysteries of the human mind to unraveling the interconnectedness of nature, these books offer unique insights and profound wisdom that can guide you on your journey of becoming a wiser person and leader.

Ten of my favourite books that will make you wiser:


I simply can’t get enough of this book! Want to know how trees communicate with each other? And how genius trees brush off giraffes? Then don’t hesitate to order this book and discover the captivating world of trees.

This fascinating book reveals the intricate and interconnected lives of trees, unveiling their wisdom and resilience, and inviting us to rekindle our relationship with the natural world.

– Wiser’ by Dilip Jeste:

Delve into the science and art of wisdom with this insightful book by neuroscientist Dilip Jeste. Drawing on his extensive research, Jeste explores the various dimensions of wisdom and provides practical strategies for cultivating wisdom in everyday life. Jeste also found out wise people master 7 ‘skills’ and these are all teachable. My Wisdom Compass, a brand new tool for personal development, is partly based on his fascinating research.

–  ‘How Emotions are Made’ by Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett

Challenge your understanding of emotions with this groundbreaking book by Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett. Explore the concept of constructed emotions and gain insights into how our brains shape our emotional experiences, offering a fresh view on self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

This is a book everyone should read! It will give you a new perspective on life. You can read a sneak preview of the book and how emotions are really made here.

 – ‘The Atlas of the Heart’ by Brené Brown:

This book is not so much a book that you read on the sofa until it’s finished. It’s more a reference work you want to keep close to you. If you really take the time to integrate the words, it will change every relationship you have. Beginning with the one with yourself.

‘The Atlas of the Heart’ delves into the complexities of human emotions, vulnerability, and resilience, offering valuable insights for cultivating emotional well-being and authentic connections.

‘- Wisdom of the Shamans’ by Don Jose Ruiz:

A very small book that you can read in one evening, but the captivating stories will stay with you forever.

Don Jose Ruiz guides you with ancient wisdom and shamanic teachings on a path towards self-discovery, spiritual growth, and a deeper connection with the world around us.

–  ‘How to Grow a New Body’ by Alberto Villoldo

Unlock the secrets of holistic health and transformation with Alberto Villoldo’s ‘How to Grow a New Body.’ This book combines ancient wisdom and modern science to offer practical guidance for rejuvenating the body, mind, and spirit, leading to enhanced well-being and vitality. For everyone that is interested in a Vision Quest this book is absolutely indispensable.

– ‘Man’s search for meaning’ by Victor Frankl

In this profound work by Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Frankl he chronicles his experiences in Nazi concentration camps and explores the fundamental question of human existence: finding meaning in life.

The book examines how individuals can discover purpose even in the most extreme circumstances, emphasizing the power of choice, resilience, and the pursuit of a meaningful life. Frankl’s reflections offer deep insights into the human spirit and inspires you to live a full life of purpose.

– ‘The Overstory’ by Richard Powers

Embark on an extraordinary literary journey with “The Overstory” by Richard Powers. This Pulitzer Prize-winning novel weaves together the stories of diverse characters and the profound impact of trees, prompting us to reflect on the interconnectedness of all living beings and our responsibility towards nature.

–  ‘Being You’ by Anil Seth

This thought-provoking book explores the nature of identity, the illusion of self, and the profound implications of understanding the mechanisms that shape our experience of reality.

– ‘Braiding Sweetgrass ‘by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Braiding Sweetgrass explores the reciprocal relationship between humans and the natural world. The book takes its title from the act of braiding sweetgrass, a sacred indigenous tradition. The braiding represents the interconnectedness of human beings with nature and the intertwining of different forms of knowledge.

I love it how Kimmerer weaves together her own experiences as a scientist and a member of an indigenous community, sharing traditional knowledge and practices passed down through generations.

Enhance your wisdom and transform your perspective

I hope these books help you on your path of self development and enable you to expand your consciousness, enhance your wisdom, and transform your perspective.

Are you inspired to become a wiser person? The FREE Wise Leadership test will help you understand where you’re at right now and how to become wiser.

How to Regulate Your Emotions and become a Wise leader

Wise leaders are very skilled at regulating their emotions. But how do they do that? And how can you learn it? In this article we explain how embracing past experiences can empower individuals to become wise leaders capable of navigating life’s challenges with resilience and clarity.

It’s probably not the first thing you had in mind, but understanding how emotions work is an important asset in the journey towards wisdom. The ability to regulate emotions and reflect on one’s actions, thoughts, and emotions is a key element of emotional intelligence and plays a crucial role in developing wise leaders.

Embracing past experiences can empower individuals to become wise leaders capable of navigating life’s challenges with resilience and clarity. It focuses on how individuals regulate their emotions and the significance of the meaning they assign to their past experiences.

Therefore emotional regulation and experiences are important components in the Wisdom Compass, a new self development tool based on neuroscientific research and indigenous wisdom.

The Impact of Past Experiences

Our past experiences hold significant power over our present emotions and shape our future. Certain experiences can evoke warm feelings and bring smiles to our faces, while others can trigger negative emotions such as anger, depression, anxiety, or addiction. Often, these emotions manifest without us consciously understanding their origins.

How we perceive our experiences influences how we feel in the present moment and how we shape our future. Unresolved past experiences can lead to physical pain, negative self-perceptions, and emotional distress. The field of Experiences within the Wisdom Compass encourages individuals to heal from these past experiences by shifting their perceptions and accepting them fully. It focuses on how individuals regulate their emotions and the significance of the meaning they assign to their past experiences.

Understanding How Emotions Work

Recent research by neuroscientist Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett has shed new light on the intricacies of emotions. Emotions are not simply innate responses; instead, they are constructed based on the concepts and interpretations in our brains. Our brains constantly receive signals from our bodies, including information from internal organs, tissues, hormones, and the immune system.

These signals have no inherent meaning on their own. Instead, our brains rely on concepts to interpret both internal and external sensations. This process, known as interoception or our seventh sense, allows us to make sense of the sensory signals and construct emotions.

You can read more on how our emotions work here.

Changing Concepts to Transform Emotions

The Wisdom Compass recognizes that changing our concepts is the key to transforming our emotions. Merely reliving past experiences and dwelling on them can perpetuate the same emotional loops because our brains recognize the familiar sensations and trigger similar emotional responses. To break free from this cycle, we must change our concepts.

The following practices can help in this process:

            • Meditation: Meditation enables individuals to distance themselves from their emotions and gain awareness of their predictions and emotional responses. By putting emotions into perspective, they can become less overwhelming. However, meditation alone does not change the predictions made by the brain, meaning that emotions may continue to arise.

            • Trauma Release Therapy: Trauma Release Therapy provides a targeted approach to address specific traumatic experiences that may have a profound impact on individuals’ emotional well-being. This therapy aims to release the trapped energy and emotions associated with traumatic events, facilitating healing and resilience.

            • Relationship and Emotion Training and Coaching (RETEC): Developed by international trainer and coach Wassili Zafiris, RETEC is a method rooted in the latest neuroscientific knowledge about emotions. This approach emphasizes that emotions control almost everything, and working directly with emotions in coaching and therapy is highly effective. RETEC focuses on creating new neurological networks by utilizing unconscious reminders. This method helps transform deeply ingrained patterns and facilitates lasting change.

By engaging in these practices and understanding the workings of emotions, individuals can regulate their emotions effectively. This enables them to overcome past experiences, shift their perceptions, and embrace a more balanced and wise approach to life. By harnessing the power of emotions, individuals can become wise leaders who navigate the complexities of the world with empathy, compassion, and self-awareness.

Want to learn more about how to regulate your emotions and become a Wise Leader? Contact me.